Sunday, March 13, 2011

Warrior Dash

A friend recently told me about an upcoming event in late June which involves a 3-mile run through mud and obstacles called the Warrior Dash. They give you a viking helmet (cool), a t-shirt (also cool), a voucher for a turkey leg (very cool) and beer (pass) for completing the course.

You are timed and it's set up like a race only it's way less serious. You can go with friends who can help you complete the obstacles or push you into the muddy water. Some people dress up in silly costumes just for added laughs.

I started training today by running a 1.2 mile course around the neighborhood that I plotted. After passing two houses, I was reminded why I hate running so much. This hurts!

God blessed me with a tall, (relatively) lean frame, long gazelle-like legs, skinny fingers, near perfect vision that any eagle would jealous of, and great hand-eye coordination. My body is a fine-tuned, well-oiled machine...

...perfect for sitting in front of a computer and typing super fast and writing code all day.
I'm clearly not built to run far. Or fast. My lungs shouldn't be burning so much.

Good thing God also blessed me with a good amount of dedication and a fierce competitive spirit. Training is hard work but that's one thing I'm not afraid of.


  1. You having to much fun Paul! You should bring Muppy with you on you runs lol

  2. Yep I start my training tomorrow!

  3. i'm going to be doing the warrior dash on june 25th in ma.

    if thats the race you're in, hope to see you there!!
